Our son leaves for Iraq in about 6 hours. We have spent the last several days (which explains the lack of posting exquisite recipes and witty commentary) completely devoted to him, and we then took him back to his base to prepare for his departure. Luckily, that was Camp Pendleton, near San Diego, which gave us opportunity for some beautiful beach time!
He has already served one tour in Iraq…that tour was relatively safe (if there is such a thing!) and pretty uneventful. But this tour is more intense…and his job and mission is very dangerous. However, I am finished crying and wringing my hands. What he needs from me now is packages of gum, toothbrushes, hard candy for the Iraqi kids, wet wipes, and cookies that don't crumble. That part is easy! I'll be a cookie bakin' fool!!!! The harder thing is to keep my head up and live each day in a happy mood and not worry. He would not like it AT ALL if I became all weepy, walking around sighing, blathering away about him…he’d be so embaressed if he knew I was writing this! But I am so proud of him and want to shout out what a great, great man and son he is.
He has already served one tour in Iraq…that tour was relatively safe (if there is such a thing!) and pretty uneventful. But this tour is more intense…and his job and mission is very dangerous. However, I am finished crying and wringing my hands. What he needs from me now is packages of gum, toothbrushes, hard candy for the Iraqi kids, wet wipes, and cookies that don't crumble. That part is easy! I'll be a cookie bakin' fool!!!! The harder thing is to keep my head up and live each day in a happy mood and not worry. He would not like it AT ALL if I became all weepy, walking around sighing, blathering away about him…he’d be so embaressed if he knew I was writing this! But I am so proud of him and want to shout out what a great, great man and son he is.

AND….I’m finally posting my win in the Cake-Mate “Mother of All Bake Sales” contest. Mine are the "French Bakery Vanilla Cupcakes". There were 5 grand prize winners…just look at those beauties! I especially liked Beth Royals submission….so creative! We each won $1,000 PLUS an additional $1,000 to be donated to charity of our choice, which, for me, will be “Make-A-Wish Foundation”. This is a surprising win for me, mainly because I am not that great of a baker and also because this is a very simple recipe – the cupcakes are good, but I think I won because I used lots of the sponsors decorations in a pretty cute way. They were adorable and easy. I’m especially pleased with this win because it’s not often that a charity also benefits.
(This is my picture that I submitted...the one up top is a pic that the Cake-Mate people did...obviously, better photographers!)
So, life IS pretty sweet….I’ve got a son that sends my heart to the moon! And I get to make cupcakes with Barbie decorations that won some cash for a great charity! I guess it’s all in how you look at things, huh???
I wonder if Marines like cupcakes with flowers??? Hmmmmmm

Congratulations on your win and how nice to have it help a great charity also. I've said it before, I admire you for being the mother of a soldier. I know your heart is busting at the seams with pride. I pray for a safe tour for your son. Can you really send them cookies? I'm always looking for some cause to bake for!
I kept checking back here for posts, but I knew you were going to be busy this week.
Your son is awesome! You should be so proud. Keep us updated on how he is doing.
I'm sure he will appreciate all of your cookies.
Congrats on your cupcake win! Those are so pretty! I don't think I could decorate cupcakes so well. You're really on a roll now.
Wow Catherine,
What nice things about your son. You've got to be so proud of him. He's lucky to have a mom like you. I wish him the best in Iraq.
Your cupcakes are beautiful, Huge congrats on the win and cash! Good to have you blogging again!!
You are the sweetest, but every Mom is proud, so I'm no different...I just have a blog! Thank you so much for your prayers. And, yes, cookies! If you keep ingredients not so fragile and pack well, it's surprising how fast they get there! I've sent oatmeal/raisin with the best success. They really love to get treats for the kids, because they are so appreciative.
He is awesome, isn't he? He's pretty funny too..I just got text from Maine (where they refuel) that he was off to Iraq to earn a paycheck and "see ya later". Like he was going off for the wknd!
Oh, what are you talkin' about???
You are the best baker! Your cupcakes would be so much more creative and delicious! I'm just glad to win some green for Make A Wish!
Oh, you know all about how awesome sons can be!!! It's a bittersweet moment to see your "baby" grow into a stellar person....I wish he was still running around with his Ninja Turtles and Batman cape...enjoy your little ones, they grow up sooooooo fast!
Thanks for the congrats...that was a good contest and the sponsors were awesome.
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